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Health care

Some examples of XMIT waste pipeline transfer solutions

ESA Espoo new hospital-part of Helsinki University hospital district
Fully automatic pneumatic waste and linen transfer and collection system – 500 mm tube system
The most modern and largest hospital solution on the market

Kuopio city University and education hospital
Fully automatic pneumatic waste transfer solution combining existing and new hospital buildings

Pori city hospitals
Automatic waste and linen transfer solution with collection magazines

Tampere University hospital
Automatic linen transfer solution with collection magazine

Korsholm hospital
Automatic and pneumatic waste transfer system

Central distric hospital, Tavastehus
Regional hospital

Central Distric hospital, City of Lahti
Regional hospital
Waste from wards – 500mm tube system

Care Center Korsholm, Helsingfors
Hospital for elderly
Waste fractions to be collected: diapers, organic

City hospital, University campus
Waste fractions to be collected: mixed waste and laundry
Amount of waste: max 13,6 tn / day
Capacity of the system: 25 tn / day
Fully automatic and pneumatic transfer system

XMIT Bio-vacuum transport of organic waste
TYKS Mäntymäki area, Turku
Korsholm Health Center, Korsholm
KHSHP Distric Hospital, Hämeenlinna

Ohter pipeline transfer solutions for Health care
Hospital Distric of Helsinki and Uusimaa (Several)
Kuopio University Hospital
Tampere University Hospital (Several)
Turku University Hospital
Keski-Pohjanmaa Central Hospital, Kokkola
North Karelia Central Hospital, Joensuu (Several)
Retirement home Myyrinkoti, Vantaa
Simonkoti Eldery Care Center, Vantaa
Syystie Elderly housing and Service Center, Helsinki

Food processing

Projects for XMIT BIO

XMIT waste vacuum transport for organic waste

University Hospital Kuopio
Food center for Campus area
Over 11 000 meals / day
Automatic food waste vacuum transfer

University hospital and Food Service Center City Åbo
Organic food manufacturing for campus are
Over 8000 meals / day
Automatic food waste vacuum transfer

Central Hospital, Tavastehus
Organic food manufacturing for campus area
Over 4000 meals /day
Auromatic food waset vacuum transfer

Care center Korsholm, Helsingfors
Care center and kithcen
Waste fractions: Food waste and diapers, organic
Automatci food waste vacuum transfer

XMIT Bio-vacuum transport of organic waste (other)
Otalampi school center
Vihti school center
Skanssi shopping center, Turku
Military Garrisions, several